Obstacles Mean You Are Part of the Universe, not out of alignment with it


It’s said that a move can be as stressful as a death. I wouldn’t go that far ( but then I have a lot of stress management skill). Moving is hard. It is said that launching a business is like a birth. And I guess launching a second business is like birthing with experience. Which we all know actually means you know what can go wrong! It is hard. I hope you are not under the impression that manifesting your dreams is easy. It will hurt more if you feel that way. I hope you are not under the impression that once you are in alignment with your true self and the universe all will come. It will not. It will. And it won’t again. It’s all okay. Things going “wrong” means you are part of the universe. All that is hard. Not one step of this journey has gone “in our favor”.  Not one. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t in alignment. Never once have I wished we didn’t do this. Not one moment am I not grateful that we did. 

If you are up for early morning drives to drop your soulmate at work so you can use the car, talking about how all this will work and what it all means. Then, you should give living-your-dream-thing a try. The view is breathtaking.